Amsterdam in winter

We talked about Amsterdam in more than one occasion in the blog. But never, we have referred in particular to look, rhythm and magic of this city in winter. Of course, often, snow and ice tend to make theirs.
Schedule trips to Amsterdam in winter, can have its setbacks, to even prevent enjoy many of the classics of the city, such as cycling.
However, a trip to Amsterdam in winter, can have its advantages. For starters, the cold winter and help to "cool" also hotel rates and even flights to the city. Flights to Amsterdam are usually cheaper in winter, sometimes less than half of the summer would pay, and so might be expected in hotels and hostels. Except for a slight rebound in times of Christmas and New Year's Eve in Amsterdam, between December and March will find the most convenient rates for travel.
And there's more: in Amsterdam, the cold is usually not as cold as one might imagine. The most that we can find is an unusual snow, usually a couple of times each winter.
To dispel doubts about the weather, talk about the weather and winter weather in the city. Highs around 6 º C on average in December, while in January down to 5 º C. The minimum flirt all winter with an average of 0 º C.
In Amsterdam, in addition, many of the proposals of interest and what to see, usually located indoors, so the poor outlook should not lead us to cancel our trip. Holland in general, is something like the land of museums, a paradise for lovers of history, art and culture. Only in Amsterdam can meet great works of Rembrandt or Van Gogh in some of its museums.
To counteract this, there are also often have cozy restaurants overlooking the canals, a picture to frame and take home. In winter, it is wrong to bring a coat (no exaggeration) and an umbrella on a journey of several days.
Also, in winter, there are some unexpected choices, like a pair of ice skating rinks public, the fashion week in late January, and always, the cultural agenda of a city that never rests. The trip to Amsterdam in winter, are still recommended.Winter in Amsterdam
No climate you can with the city of canals, bicycles and their own agenda of a city, as well deserves a great European capital. Of course, we recommend special caution when walking in some of the bridges under the ice.